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Year-Round Seasonal Cleanup in Monroe and Ontario, NY Counties

Each season brings with it changes in the weather and changes in the plant life on your property. That often means you have a laundry list of yard work to do each time the seasons change. Not only does seasonal cleanup take a lot of time, but it also requires you to fill your garage with specialized equipment that you only use for a few months each year. You need a lawnmower for the summer months, a snowblower during the winter, a leaf blower for the fall, and much more. If you’re located in the Monroe and Ontario, NY counties, let Turf Masters take care of your next seasonal cleanup.

Gardener cutting the weeds

Let Turf Masters Remove Your Leaves

During the fall, the leaves change and create an assortment of naturally beautiful colors. Shortly after that, they begin to fall, which is less exciting if they are landing in your yard. Even a single tree can create massive piles of leaves that you must remove every year. Raking leaves every week or two is no one’s idea of a fun way to spend their free time. So, let us handle your fall leaf cleanup. We will completely rid your home of leaves, from grass to gutters. We even offer off-site leaf removal, where we completely remove your leaves from your property and dispose of them.

You’ll Never Pick Up a Snow Shovel Again

If you love the sight of freshly fallen snow but hate having to shovel your sidewalk and driveway, we’ve got a perfect solution for you. Our winter snow removal services will shovel and plow clear all sidewalks, walkways, and driveways for you. Even after the worst blizzard, you can count on coming outside to a clear driveway. On top of that, we offer salting services to prevent your sidewalks and driveway from accumulating dangerous patches of slippery ice. These services are especially important for commercial properties.

Prepare Your Garden for the Winter

As the days get colder, you must prepare your garden for winter. As the first frost of the year comes, it is a good time to perform some routine upkeep of your garden, encouraging it to thrive the next season. Replenishing mulch, removing diseased plants, and pruning perennials are just a few of the routine ways we might prepare your garden for the winter to come.

Snow Removal for Businesses and Commercial Properties

If your business fails to have snow removed from its parking lot and walkways, you can easily turn away potential customers. It’s vital to make sure that any freshly fallen snow on your property is promptly removed. The easiest way to do that is by working with a professional snow removal team like ours. With us, you won’t have to think about winter clean up twice. If an ice storm is coming in tonight, we’ll lay down salt before it gets here. When the snow starts to fall, we’ll plow your parking lot clean before you know it.

Get Your Landscaping Quote Today!