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Our Lawn Care Services Will Make You the Master of Your Turf

Do you want your lawn to look like a professional baseball field, with intricate lawn striping and sharply cut edges? Our lawn care and lawn maintenance services can do just that for you. Turf Masters provides lawn care services in Monroe and Ontario, NY counties. Our team of experienced landscaping experts will perform all the routine maintenance necessary to give your yard a world-class aesthetic. Learn about our various services, which include mowing, aeration, mechanical edging, and lawn rolling. With all these services, you can truly become the master of your turf!

mowed lawn in a garden

The Art and Skill of Mowing Your Lawn

People often treat lawnmowing like a simple chore, but it is actually an art and a skill. You’ll be blown away when you see the difference a professionally mowed lawn can make. There’s a lot more to mowing a lawn than just running a lawn mower over the yard. Experts know how to correctly plan paths to optimize the pattern and texture of your lawn. We can also weed whack and edge your lawn simultaneously, leaving every grass blade in the perfect place.

gardener mows the lawn with a mower in beautiful garden

What Lawn Aeration Services Can Do for Your Yard

We often recommend that property owners get lawn maintenance on a routine basis to promote the optimal health of their yard. The lawn aeration process involves a machine that punches countless holes in your yard. To the untrained eye, this may not make sense, but lawn aeration offers many proven benefits to your lawn, such as:

  • Allows water to get to your grass’s roots more easily
  • Encourages the grass to grow thicker in the future
  • Oxygenates the soil in your yard
  • Helps compact soil

Edging Keeps the Grass Where It’s Supposed to Be

When property owners neglect their lawn’s edging, it can result in a lot more than shaggy strips of grass sticking out around the perimeter of the yard. Grass and sod can overgrow entire walkways and cement sections. Let us help you reclaim your walkways and keep the grass where it’s supposed to be. Our mechanical edging uses professional-grade equipment that slices perfect lines at the edges where your lawn and concrete meet. When we’re done, your yard will look sharper than ever.

Level Uneven Patches of Your Yard With Lawn Rolling

Lawn rolling is a fantastic service that can smooth out uneven sections of your lawn. Many homeowners are plagued with rough surfaces and bumpy patches on their lawns. By using a heavy roller, we can carefully encourage your soil to reform into a more level surface. In more severe cases, it may take many treatments to reach the desired landscape, but each treatment makes your lawn smoother and more uniform. We also may recommend lawn rolling after seeding a lawn in the spring. It can help new seeds form a better bond with the soil.

Get Your Landscaping Quote Today!