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Serving You Since 2006

Turf Masters is locally owned and operated by Richard Lipke. Rich began in 2006 with basic lawn mowing services. The company has grown to offer multiple services in all aspects of landscaping.

Our loyal commercial and residential customers are the core of our success. We have steadily grown into a broad full-service landscaping company through personal recommendations by our valuable customers, and we feel confident in saying that we can fulfill your every landscaping need. We promise that we will provide you with the best service and also give personal attention to your landscaping vision.

Our goal is to provide the best results for our customers while giving our employees a fun, professional, and safe work environment to provide for their families and futures.

Turf Masters Team

A Word From the Owner

“A solid reputation and commitment to quality ensure we enjoy long-lasting relationships with our customers. This means we don’t stop at bringing your vision to life. We schedule regular maintenance visits that make sure your landscaping retains its beauty and function season-to-season, year-to-year.”

Rich Lipke, Owner

Get Your Landscaping Quote Today!