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Our Customers Love Us

The guys this last summer were the best ever. they knew the trick of letting the lawns grow long during the summer, nice and thick, then in the late fall, cut the grass short and help move into dormancy. They knew never cut in the same direction twice. The lawn behind my house looks like the south lawn of the White House.


Turf Masters made the Canalside community landscaping Beautiful. Great Job on the pruning and landscaping.

Mary L

Excellent job on my lawn in north Greece. I have used Turf Masters for my snow plowing as well.
I would recommend them for Any landscaping or snow removal jobs.

Debbie Scarpulla

I contacted Turf Masters late in the season for a fall cleanup. They responded quickly and made it to my house as soon as the snow melted. My yard and driveway look amazing! They exceeded my expectations! I had no idea my yard could look this clean. I will 100% use them in the future. Thank you!

Jennifer Warren

Turf Masters does an amazing job on our lawn! Definitely recommend them to everyone!

Shannon Rose

Got our mulch done today and we couldn't be happier! We will definitely be using Turf Masters again and would recommend them to anyone!

Steve Ely

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