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We Understand Weed and Pest Control

To properly maintain the health of your lawn and garden, you must protect yourself against the many weeds and pests that will try to enter your property. Knowing how to kill weeds without killing your grass, shrubs, or flowers is not easy. Likewise, it can be difficult to kill unwanted pests while encouraging beneficial insects. Turf Masters understands the best weed and pest control techniques for the Monroe and Ontario, NY counties. Learn more about diagnosing, preventing, and controlling weeds and pests.

Spraying weed killer herbicide

Common Weeds in the Monroe and Ontario, NY Counties

If you are located anywhere near Flower City, you probably know that certain weeds are especially pesky in our area. Each type of weed requires its own approach. When you work with us, you don’t need to be an expert at identifying every weed in your yard and garden. Our team will diagnose any weed infestations on your property and develop a plan to control them. Some of the most common weeds we see in the Rochester area include:

  • Crabgrass
  • Dandelions
  • Quack grass
  • Nut Sedge
  • Moss
  • Bindweed
  • White Clover
  • Cinquefoil

The Three Ways of Controlling Weeds and Pests

When it comes to controlling weeds and pests around your landscaping, there are three general approaches. Often, a complete strategy will involve all three of these services, but sometimes one method will be sufficient. The three ways of controlling weeds and pests include:


We take measures to discourage any pests or weeds from creeping into your lawn or garden. The best way to control pests or weeds is never to let them make a home on your property in the first place.


When you have a weed or pest infection, you need to understand the enemy before anything else. We can diagnose the specific weed or pest that is plaguing your yard. This often informs the best way to eradicate it.


Once we know what weed or pest we are fighting, we develop a strategy to reduce and possibly eliminate it. This may include pulling weeds by hand, spraying weed killer, or installing plants that attract beneficial insects.

Talk to a Weed and Pest Control Specialist!

If your home is in a constant battle with weeds or insects, you don’t have to fight them alone. Turf Masters has a team of expert weed and pest control specialists who are eager to help you. We’ll make sure that you have the tools and understanding to keep your lawn and garden free from all unwanted pests and unsightly weeds. To talk to a weed and pest control specialist, call us directly or fill out a contact form.

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