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Looking for Professional Landscapers in Monroe and Ontario, NY Counties

Your landscaping says a lot about your property. Make sure it’s saying the right things. Turf Masters’s team of professional landscapers in the Monroe and Ontario, NY counties, will help you plan, install, and maintain your garden and landscaping. We can give your yard a unique design that you’ll love by installing features such as ground covers, landscape lighting, retaining walls, mulch, and stones. Best of all, you won’t have to spend your time in the garden, pulling weeds, edging, and maintaining your plants. Whether you own a home or business, we’ll ensure every visitor is impressed by your landscaping.

gardener mows the lawn with a mower in beautiful garden

Designing and Installing Your Landscaping

Our professional landscapers have installed more gardens than you could imagine. So, we know how to guide you through the landscaping installation and design process. We’ll help you select ground covers, which are low-maintenance plants that cover large sections of your garden. Then, you can start picking out the flowers, shrubs, and flora you want in your garden. We’ll help you understand which plants are known for thriving together.

Keeping a Well-Maintained Garden

Watering the garden, pulling weeds, trimming shrubs, laying mulch, and edging. The list of landscaping maintenance chores goes on and on. Let a team of reliable landscapers take care of all your general landscaping maintenance for you so that you can focus on more important things. We’ll make sure that your landscaping is always healthy and in peak condition. All you’ll have to do is enjoy looking at it!

Brighten Up Your Yard With Landscape Lighting

The right landscaping lighting will illuminate your garden and topiaries at night, making them look even better than they do during the day. With knowledgeable lighting designers, you can find the perfect angle for every lighting feature, highlighting the best parts of your home and garden. These lighting features can also help illuminate patios, walkways, and other outdoor spaces.

gardener with protective equipment cutting hedge

Functional and Beautiful Retaining Walls

Retaining walls add a whole other dimension to your landscaping project, allowing you to create levels of gardening and hardscaping. Most importantly, these walls add a stylish complexity to your home and yard. However, retaining walls are often installed for more than just aesthetic reasons. We often install retaining walls when we want to stop soil erosion or to level a rough or hilly area of a yard. Whether you want a retaining wall for the looks or the functional benefits, we’ll help you design one with a style that perfectly complements the rest of your landscaping design.

Giving Your Garden the Straightest Edges

Nothing compares to the sight of a newly edged garden filled with fresh mulch. When gardens are not mulched or edged on a routine basis, the boundary between your yard and your landscaping becomes shaggy and overgrown. It happens slowly. So, property owners often overlook the impact it can make. Our professional landscapers will help you keep your garden full of mulch and sharply edged.

Complete Your Landscaping Project With the Right Stones

Stone features help complete your landscaping design. The combination of plant life with stonework makes your yard feel like a scene from nature. Let our team help you pick out and install stone fixtures. Whether it’s a retaining wall around your garden or a walkway in your backyard, we can do it. We work with various colors and types of stone. So, we will surely have something that fits your yard’s design.

Get Your Landscaping Quote Today!