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Tree and Shrub Care From the Monroe and Ontario, NY Counties Experts

Trees and shrubs allow you to bring the magnificence of nature right into your very own yard. While you might enjoy looking at a poplar tree in bloom, you probably don’t enjoy the maintenance that comes with your trees and shrubs so much. Turf Masters offers tree and shrub care in the Monroe and Ontario, NY counties. We’ll keep your topiaries cleanly trimmed and check your trees for hidden diseases and pests. When you have the benefit of working with a knowledgeable landscaping team like ours, you’ll be able to control these natural landscaping features.

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Precise Shrub Trimming Services

If you’ve ever caught yourself appreciating shrubs or hedges, you were probably enamored by the way that lush greenery can form such precise geometric shapes. We sculpt shrubs and highlight hedges. It takes a steady hand to create straight edges and perfect curves on an unkempt bush, but we can do it. Even if your shrubs have been neglected, we can get them back into shape. This is especially important for owners of businesses and commercial properties, as shabby shrubs can reflect poorly on your entire business. Let us help keep your shrubs and hedges trimmed.

Our Tree Trimming Team

When a tree grows, it has a mind of its own. It won’t hesitate to grow a branch right in front of a window or over a section of your garden that needs more sunlight. We can keep your tree growing in the right direction. If branches need to come off, we can remove them and dispose of the leftover wood. We can also remove compromised branches that are rotting or cracked before they fall on your house, a vehicle, or, even worse, a person.

Unwanted Trees or Shrubs

Trees and shrubs can feel like a permanent fixture in your lawn and garden, but that’s not the case. We can help you remove shrubs and small-sized trees from anywhere on your property. Reclaim the available space and make the most out of your yard. Free up sunlight for a garden or just get rid of trees that drop pesky leaves, larch cones, or chestnuts. When we help you remove shrubbery, we’ll rehabilitate and even out the soil around it for your future gardening plans.

Keeping Your Trees and Shrubs Safe From Pests and Disease

If your trees or shrubs are not performing well, don’t be too hasty in blaming your own lack of a green thumb. Frequently, pests and diseases inhibit the healthy growth of trees and hedges. Trees, in particular, are known for having very specific pests. Rochester has been known to have cases of the dreaded emerald ash borer, which can devastate trees if not identified and eradicated quickly. Let our horticulture doctors diagnose and treat your yard’s trees and shrubs.

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