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Reliable Landscaping Services in Monroe and Ontario, NY Counties

At Turf Masters, we proudly offer comprehensive landscaping services in the Monroe and Ontario, NY counties. When you work with us, you will never need another landscaping team. Whether helping you control weeds and pests or performing seasonal cleanup services, we always get the job right the first time. On top of that, we offer the most reliable and friendly services around. Contact us today to get your landscaping quote!

Working lawn mower on green lawn

Make Your Lawn Care Automatic

Taking care of your lawn requires particular expertise, skill, and organization. Luckily, our team knows how to make your lawn flourish into a green canvas of grass with finely cut edges. Trust us with your lawn care, and we’ll make it effortless. We know when to aerate your lawn and how to flatten uneven sections with rolling. At the end of each lawncare session, we’ll remove all grass clippings from your yard, leaving it looking flawless.

Ensure the Health and Beauty of Your Trees and Shrubs

We have a team of highly trained tree and shrub care specialists. We can trim bothersome tree branches and shape your shrubs. If you just don’t want a row of shrubs anymore, we can even remove them for you. On top of the cosmetic benefits, we can ensure your trees and shrubs are healthy, checking them for pests and diseases. With us on your side, your trees will never have been so beautiful and healthy.

Let’s Design Your Dream Lawn and Garden

Work with our team to create the garden and lawn of your dreams. Whether you want to completely renovate your landscaping or just need general maintenance, our team provides unmatched services. Design the garden you want, and let us install it for you as we have done for countless other homes and businesses. When you see our past work, you’ll know we’re the team for your next landscaping project.

Spraying weed killer herbicide

Controlling Weeds and Pests in the Monroe and Ontario, NY Counties

Crabgrass, dandelions, quackgrass, bindweed, cinquefoil, and more! All these weeds are trying to enter your garden and killing them all without damaging your lawn or garden requires a delicate balance. To make things worse, there’s a gang of garden pests that you need to manage at the same time as your weed infiltration. So, what is a homeowner to do? The best solution is to work with a professional landscaping team that knows how to control the local weeds and pests. Turf Masters offers weed and pest prevention, control, diagnosis, and eradication services. Let’s work together to protect your lawn and garden!

Leave the Seasonal Cleanup to the Pros

While the changing of summer into fall is a natural wonder here in Flower City, it comes with a lot of annoying yardwork for home and business owners. Our season cleanup and removal team takes all those chores off your hands. We’ll rake the leaves in the fall and remove them from your property altogether. We’ll prepare your garden for overwintering and remove snow when the flakes start to fall. Then, we’ll lay down salt on the roads and walkways to provide a clear path for all visitors.

Get Your Landscaping Quote Today!