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Turf Masters: Rochester, NY’s Favorite Landscaping Team

Don’t Lose Another Weekend to Landscaping Chores

From mowing the lawn and pulling weeds to shoveling snow and raking leaves, it seems like there is always yard work to be done. Don’t lose another weekend to your lawn. Take back your free time with the help of Turf Masters’s landscaping team in Monroe and Ontario, NY counties. We offer all the landscaping services you will ever need, from mowing and maintaining your lawn to installing lighting and controlling weeds. When you partner with our team of master landscapers, you will get a perfectly manicured lawn and garden without ever lifting a finger. Get your landscaping quote today!

with house with new front yard

A Landscaping Company Built on Word of Mouth

Our team is known for performing the most detail-oriented landscaping services. We have worked hard over the years to garner a reputation for high-quality services. As a result, the word spread. As other people learned about our comprehensive and reliable services, we’ve expanded a lot, allowing us to provide our customers with better landscaping services. You don’t have to take our word for it. Our image gallery displays some of our past landscaping masterpieces. See what we can do for your lawn and garden.


Got our mulch done today and we couldn't be happier! We will definitely be using Turf Masters again and would recommend them to anyone!

Steve Ely

Turf Masters made the Canalside community landscaping Beautiful. Great Job on the pruning and landscaping.


What Does Your Landscaping Say About Your Business?

While keeping up with your home’s landscaping is important, landscaping is never more crucial than when you are running a business or other commercial property. Your landscaping is the first impression your customers, clients, and guests will get of your business. Overgrown lawns, unkempt garden beds, and snow-covered parking lots make visitors feel uneasy and unwelcome. Let us handle all your commercial landscaping services. We’ll ensure that everyone visiting your property is immediately impressed by your beautiful landscaping. We will take care of lawn care in the summer, leaf removal in the fall, and snow removal in the winter. Contact us today to get a quote for your commercial landscaping services.

Turf Masters

644-B Ridge Rd
Webster, NY 14580
United States


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM